All Fronts Re-enactment Association

Supporting Re-enactment for 18 years


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Our goal has been to underpin a hobby. For a few years now we have grown in size to accommodate a wide range of living historians and re-enactors covering the whole of the 20th Century and beyond. What we offer is for you to become a member and be covered by our PLI. We do not offer insurance, just like any other re-enactment association or group. You are simply covered by ours*.

We do not interfere with your group's day-to-day running, we do not tell you when and where you can go. You keep your own rules and regulations**.

*You must complete a risk assessment when attending events to be covered by the PLI. This is not our rules, but the law.

**We do however expect our members to conduct themselves in good and proper way.

This is not our full time job, we have our own lives, our own interests and our own time. We deal with things as quickly as we can but remember we are just like you. Although, some educate, and we try to respectfully depict the people of our past, we also do it for fun.

How do I join?



If you are renewing, please only do so in December, this makes life a lot easier for us and you.

A long time ago...